About Us
Some Key Points of Our success line:-
- Site Audited by International Quality Audit Team and Rated ?4 Star? Ranking in the past 5 years.
- No major observations during financial audits by KPMG in last 5 years
- New challenge had taken in 2004 at Burdwan with a hike of 400% growth in sale from their locaion & despatch the stocks accordingly while closer of CFA Kolkata
- Even delivered the stocks from Burdwan to Kolkata (nearly 100 km away) within next day.
- Again prove their efficiency to open a branch at Howrah in 2008 to serve Kolkata city,Howrah & also interior part of Midnapur District.
- 25 years operation of CFA Burdwan was closed in 2013 without any inventory loss & without any union issues. All stock shifted to new location at Dhulagarh within 48 hours.
- Well managed during transition in 2013 to the this new location without any Loss of Sale as error free & successful Operation.
- Having access with Statutory department to get the required license by 15 days.
- This is a Site where there was no Accidents & No Labour issue ( Minor or Major ) during the operation of the Site.
- Customers always on Priority. It is in practice to meet customers on monthly basis to get the feedback on service.
- First GSK C & FA to achieve ISO 9001 certification.
- Situated in the Eastern Region of India with its own challenges for maintenance of Such a site.
- This is a Story of a Dream coming True by Creating a "World Class Warehouse"
Our Value
We understand the Customers need to meet /exceed their requirements. We shall adhere to the laid down procedures & systems of our Principal Companies. We shall train, develop and motivate our team members to improve execution with high ethical standards.